Multideck car parks
Multideck car parks

How could planning have got it so wrong the first time around? Whilst the new recommendations make sense, it again calls into question the first set of recommendations. We are now told that the proposals will be ‘smaller’, so supposedly cheaper! What then needs to be stated is: if the car parks will be smaller then how many actual car parking spots will they contain? And how does this reduced number correlate to the previous studies that told us we need xxxx amount of car parking spots? Was this initial figure wrong and we are now supposed to accept a lesser required number? Even more dramatic is the change in location. Council in its Strategic Resource Plans (SRP) for 2018/19 put the cost for the Stanley Street edifice at $18M and the Horsely Street versions at $14M – and that was three years ago! Admittedly, the later first drawings were for the equivalent of 5 and 4 storey constructions. Whilst all this sounds wonderful, a myriad of questions remains and detail of course is missing.

  • Return the money to the federal government and abandon the project.
  • Proceed with ‘soft’ community consultation first.
  • Proceed with a ‘feasibility’ study and community consultation on design.
  • The car park locations have changed in both Elsternwick and Bentleigh.
  • This amount means that council does not have to fork out any ratepayers’ money.
  • multideck car parks

    We are finally told several interesting things: Item 8.5 on the current agenda features the multi-deck car park(s) issue.

    Multideck car parks